Recettes traditionnelles Galloises – Cuisine galloise – Pays de Galles

Recettes traditionnelles Galloises – Cuisine galloise – Pays de Galles

Les soupes galloises

Toutes les recettes ne sont pas répertoriées dans cette liste. Vous les retrouverez grâce au TAG cuisine galloise

Broths and Cawl
Buttermilk soup
Spiced parsnip and apple soup
Leek and Potato Soup
Oyster soup
Pig’s liver soup

Les poissons

Poached salmon with laver sauce

Salmon steaks with onions and butter sauce
Teifi salmon sauce
Pickled mackerel
Grilled herrings with mustard sauce
Fried Oysters
Oysters loaves
Oysters grilled with a herb abd cheese crust
Cockles Penclawdd
Cockles cakes
Cocke pie
Baked cothi salmon
Brithyll gyda Almonau
Abermeurig trout
Welsh cockles pie
Cockles and eggs
Salad of Carmarthen ham with smoked salmon
Laverbread cakes and bacon
Trout with bacon
Baked salmon with herb abd lemon mayonnaise
Pan-cooked salmon with sorrel sauce
Scallops with bacon and sage
Mussels in cider
Mackerel with onions
Herrings with mustard

Soupe de poireaux et pommes de terre (leek and potato soup)
Soupe de poireaux et pommes de terre (leek and potato soup)
Hareng à la moutarde et pommes (recette galloise)
Hareng à la moutarde et pommes (recette galloise)

Les viandes

Mutton stuffed with oysters
Duck with damson and ginger sauce
Roast duck with apples

Welsh mutton hams
Spiced mutton
Welsh venison
Mutton pies
Thick bacon slices and potatoes
Granny Morgan’s Brawn
Scruggins cake
Black pudding
Pembrokeshire faggots
Liver, bacon and onions
Faggots with onion gravy
Bacon and onions
Bacon with parsley sauce
Roast belly of pork with root vegetable
Savoury pies
Goose-blood pudding
Chicken and leek pie
Welsh salt duck
Bidding pie
Braised beef with vegetable
Welsh lamb pie
Honeyed welsh lamb
Lamb cutlets in a cider sauce
Lamb with Bilberry sauce
Lamb broth
Loin of saltmarsh lamb with laverbread sauce
Lamb with honey, rosemery and cider
Minted lamb with leeks and honey
Katt pie

Faggots with onion gravy (Boulettes de porc et foie spécialité galloises)
Faggots with onion gravy (Boulettes de porc et foie spécialité galloises)
Gigot d’agneau au romarin, miel et cidre (recette galloise)
Gigot d’agneau au romarin, miel et cidre (recette galloise)

Les légumes/les œufs

Bara Gwenith
Leek, goat’s cheese and hazelnut tart
Leek, bacon and egg pie
Anglesey eggs
Cheese pudding
Glamorgan sausages

Mash O’ Nine Sorts

Miser’s Feast ou Tatw rhost a bacwn
Vegetables in a cheese sauce
Mashed potatoes with leeks, garlic and chives

Pease pudding
Spiced roasted pumpkin
onion cake
Anglesey eggs
Welsh Rarebit (caws Pobi, Buck rarebit histoire du welsh rarebit)
Welsh Rarebit (la recette classique)

Glamorgan sausages (croquettes de poireaux galloises)
Glamorgan sausages (croquettes de poireaux galloises)
Welsh onion cake (spécialité du Pays de Galles)
Welsh onion cake (spécialité du Pays de Galles)
Anglesey eggs et fromages du Pays de Galles
Anglesey eggs et fromages du Pays de Galles
Welsh rarebit et Branston Pickle (plat du Pays de Galles)

Puddings gallois

Apple cakes
Apple pudding (pwdin afalau)
Blackberry suet pudding

Cranberry tarts
Spiced rhubarb crumble
Rhubarb shortcake
Gooseberry pudding
Quince fool
Apple and ginger fool
Violet pudding
Welsh cheesecake
Welsh curd cakes
Honey and spice cakes
Monmouth pudding
Snowdon pudding lemon Toffee sauce
Shearing cakes
Light cakes
Old-fashioned treacle cake
Boiled fruit cake
Overnigth cake
Welsh pudding
Whinberry and apple tart
Blackberry bread pudding
Tinkers cakes
Watcyn Wynne’s pudding
Welsh Amber pudding
Welsh spring pudding

Snowdon pudding, lemon Toffee sauce (Christmas pudding gallois)
Snowdon pudding, lemon Toffee sauce (Christmas pudding gallois)
Apple pudding (dessert gallois aux pommes)
Apple pudding (dessert gallois aux pommes)
Tinker’s cakes (Apple Welsh cakes)
Tinker’s cakes (Apple Welsh cakes)
pays de galles


Desserts et pains gallois

Anglesey shortbread
Aberffraw shortbread
Teisen Berffro
Pembrokeshire buns
Bara brith ice cream
Bread and butter pudding (pwdin bara)

Crusty Swansea
Fruit turnovers
Spiced plums with flummery topping
Fruit cake
Souly cakes
Welsh borders tart
Welsh cakes
Welsh pancake (crempog)
Moist cake
Welsh cinnamon cake
Griddle cake
Ginger bread
Llandudno fruit cake

Anglesey cake
Caerphilly scones
Manse cake
Threshing cake
Bara brith teabread
Bakestone bread
Barley bread
Black cake
Buttermilk cake
Currant Rounds
Mottled bread
Teisen Lap

Fête galloise la Saint-David le 1er mars

Fromages gallois

Recettes traditionnelles anglaises – Angleterre

Recettes traditionnelles irlandaises – Irlande

Recettes traditionnelles écossaises – Ecosse

Anglesey shortbread (biscuits gallois au beurre)
Anglesey shortbread (biscuits gallois au beurre)
Bread and butter pudding gallois (pwdin bara)
Bread and butter pudding gallois (pwdin bara)
Teisen lap (gâteaux aux raisins secs du Pays de Galles)
Teisen lap (gâteaux aux raisins secs du Pays de Galles)
Bara brith teabread (cakes aux fruits confits gallois)
Bara brith teabread (cakes aux fruits confits gallois)
Welsh pancake (Crempog Petites crêpes galloises)
Welsh pancake (Crempog Petites crêpes galloises)
Welsh cakes (petits pains gallois aux raisins secs)
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“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

Liste des catégories
La Gastronomie Britannique
Gastronomie britannique

Angleterre, Pays de Galles, Écosse, Irlande


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